There is a lot of information on the Trading page. Please explain.
The platform UI is divided into multiple panels, which can be customised to fit your trading needs. Everything is designed to be a click away for critical exchange functionality. Our trading dashboard is equipped with beginner-friendly tooltips.
Market Details & Instrument Selection
In the default layout, the Market Details component is located on the right-hand side in the same container as the Order Book. This component provides useful information such as Premium, Open Interest, Funding Rate (perpetuals only), maturity time (fixed maturities only) and Index Price etc.
In the upper-left corner you can easily navigate between the various instruments offered for trading. Once selected, the remainder of the interface will display information for the selected instrument. You can also select favourites which will appear in their own list as well as in the 'Market Previews' component.
Market Chart
When you select one of the contracts, it displays the chart in the centre of the dashboard. There is the option to display the trade price or the mark price chart data as well as toggle the display of open orders, open positions, mark price, and liquidation price by selecting the cog in the top-right of the container.
You can zoom in and out of the chart using your mouse wheel or scroll by clicking on the chart and moving your mouse. Trading View provides functionality such as indicators (e.g. Bollinger Bands, Exponential Moving Average) and various drawing tools.
Order Submission
The Order Form component allows you to place Limit, Market, Take Profit, Stop Loss, or Trigger Entry orders. Before creating an order, ensure you have selected the right instrument and order type. Enter the number of contracts you would like to buy or sell. Depending on your order type you might have to provide additional information, such as a limit price and or a trigger price.
Pro Tip: You can auto-populate the limit price field by clicking on a price in the order book.
Whenever you change your entries, the margin information below the order entry section will update. Check that your Initial Margin requirement is smaller than your Available Funds and click on buy or sell. To see the USD value of the Order, Available Margin, and Buy/Sell Margin Requirements, select 'USD Values'
NOTE: by default, there is no order confirmation. However, this can be activated by selecting the cog for 'Component Settings', navigating to 'Order Form', and selecting 'Require Order Confirmation'
With this selected, once you submit an order, you will be presented with the order confirmation window:
Open Orders & Order Cancellation
Once you successfully submit an order that either partially or fully remains on the order book, the order will appear in the 'Open Orders' tab located in the bottom-centre of the default layout.
Pro Tip: Filter for orders only open in the current-selected pair by opening component settings by clicking on the cog in the top right of the container.
If you want to cancel an order that has not yet been matched, select 'Cancel' at the end of the row and the orders will be removed from the book. You can also cancel all your open orders at once by clicking the red X in the tab title.
The Open Positions tab displays all positions open in every contract and each position’s size, average entry price, current mark price, liquidation price, effective leverage, unrealised profit/loss (PnL), and return on equity (RoE).
Pro Tip: Filter for positions only open in the current-selected pair by opening component settings by clicking on the cog in the top right of the container.
Closing a position
An open position can be closed primarily by executing an equivalent order on the opposite side of the order book (eg buy order to close a short position, sell order to close a long position).
Apart from submitting these orders manually, an alternative method is in the Open Positions tab. There is the option of closing the position with a Limit Order by selecting 'Limit', or with a Market Order by selecting 'Market'. Doing so will submit a reduce-only order to the order book. This can also be done via the Open Position Details window.
Units, Tours, Theme, & Language Settings
In the bottom-right of the trading dashboard, you will see the panel for units, shortcuts, theme, language, and notifications. From here you can adjust the display units, theme, and dashboard language.
Trading Units: Adjust which quantity units are shown in trading settings. Order units show number of contracts. Notional units show the amount effectively controlled.
Wallet Units: Adjust which quantity units are shown when referencing wallet funds. "Face" units show quantities as-is, the exact-held-amount of currency. "Market" units show the estimated market value.
Pro Tip: Toggle this feature by selecting `alt/option` on your keyboard.
Tours enables you to launch a quick dashboard tutorial
Select between Automatic (local system preferences), Dark, and Light.
This option allows you to choose the dashboard language from the list of supported languages on the dashboard.